Stress is the single most vicious killer. Emotional turmoils play an important role in accelerating from aging to stroke till leading to suicide. There is urge for the treatment of depression to overcome more aggressive effects caused by antidepressant drug like SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor). These drugs have recently been revealed that, on long term intake have serious risks and are linked to suicide, violence, psychosis, abnormal bleeding and tumors. This necessitated us to research for more effective intervention for cure with limiting or much lesser side effects. The findings of our study summarized below

The myelin protein of stress bearing animal was found to be decreased compared with normal.

The activity of ATPase was found to be decreased in the stress group rats compared to the control rats.

PBC such as, Hexose, Hexose amine, Fucose and Sialic acid levels found to be decreased in the stress induced rats when compared to normal.

SDS – PAGE of myelin the band shows appreciable changes in the fore, mid, hind brain region of stress induced rats when compared to the control group of rats.

From the present study, it was concluded that light induced stress changes the level of glycoprotein components of myelin protein in fore, mid and hind brain experimental models of rat, which evidence from our Histopathological, Biochemical and behavioral result in our studies.


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